ODM Politician Warns Ruto: These Individuals Are Unfit for Appointment


obert Alai has recently expressed his views on the matter of former governors being appointed by President William Ruto. According to Alai, governors who have served more than two terms should not be considered for any appointments. He further emphasized that President Ruto should avoid appointing anyone who has already served as governor for two terms, suggesting that this group should be completely excluded from consideration. This stance has sparked a significant amount of discussion among Kenyans on various social media platforms, with many individuals sharing their perspectives on the issue.

Alai's argument seems to stem from a desire for a change in leadership and the introduction of new ideas into the government system. He is advocating for action to be taken, indicating that reappointing former governors who have had a substantial impact on their respective counties could impede the progress and transformation necessary for national development. This perspective reflects a concern for the overall development and effectiveness of governance in the country.

Since the implementation of devolution in 2013, governors have played a crucial role in local political leadership. However, the conduct and integrity of some governors have raised concerns, with instances of corruption and poor management tarnishing their reputations. For example, former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko faced multiple corruption charges during his time in office, leading to his impeachment in 2020. These cases have prompted public debate regarding whether ex-governors should be eligible for other national positions. Alai's emphasis on accountability and the avoidance of recycling leaders with questionable records has resonated with some individuals in the social media sphere, who agree that the country needs to move away from individuals with tainted backgrounds.
